Comparison of blood in urine with likening of pigeon as pet

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Muhammad Hammad Ahmad


If someone is liking pigeon as a pet may be due to of their intelligent, effortless, and loving nature. The goal of this project is to link the love of pigeons as pets with the existence of blood in the urine. The students that took part in this study were 90. Urine dipstick test was used to perform the analysis of urine. Two types of hematuria present due to existence of red blood cells in urine. Pigeon is that beautiful bird used as pet in the houses mostly in villages. About 10.66% males have blood in urine and 17.99% females have blood in urine. From the sum of all subjects, mostly students have no blood in urine. Hence, it was observed from this study that the presence or absence has no relation of blood in urine with affection of pigeon as pet.


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Ahmad, M. H. . (2022). Comparison of blood in urine with likening of pigeon as pet. Innovative Journal of Medical Sciences, 6(3). Retrieved from
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