Interaction of Blood Grouping With Lizard Phobia Interaction of Blood Grouping With Lizard Phobia

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Rabbia Aslam


Objective of the present study is to co relate blood grouping with lizard phobia. Our blood group system is based on antigens and antibodies. The phagocytic cells within our blood stronger our immune system. Lizard phobia is related with blood group system in such a way that a person having blood group A- has lesser chance and no any chance of having lizard phobia. While at the same time a person having blood group O+ and B+ have more chance of having lizard phobia.


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How to Cite
Aslam, R. (2018). Interaction of Blood Grouping With Lizard Phobia: Interaction of Blood Grouping With Lizard Phobia. Innovative Journal of Medical Sciences, 2(03). Retrieved from
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