William Mackenzie blighted ovum syndrome: An educational ultrasound image and review

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Aamir Jalal Al Mosawi


Background: A blighted ovum syndrome occurs when a pregnant female had anembryonic gestation with normal gestational sac but without an embryo. The embryo may have not developed or it developed but has reabsorbed. William Mackenzie was most probably the first to provide a detailed account of the condition which included a description of a blighted ovum dissection. Since the 1970s, blighted ovum syndrome has been increasingly recognized as a cause of recurrent miscarriages. The aim of this paper is to provide and educational ultrasound image and an educational review. Patients and Methods: The case of a 39-year-old female who experienced a blighted ovum syndrome is described. Results: A 39-year-old primigravida female was tested positive for pregnancy, and within few days, she experienced spotting of blood. Ultrasound examination showed anteverted gravid uterus with a single gestational with yolk sac without fetal pole. The mean gestational sac diameter was at six weeks. Both adnexa were normal and the cervix was closed. Four days later, the patient experienced pain and bleeding indicating miscarriage. Conclusion: This paper emphasizes the vital role of ultrasound examination in the timely and confident diagnosis of blighted ovum syndrome.


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How to Cite
Mosawi, A. J. A. . (2023). William Mackenzie blighted ovum syndrome: An educational ultrasound image and review. Innovative Journal of Medical Sciences, 7(01). https://doi.org/10.22377/ijms.v7i01.247
Review Article