What are the views of the people about cause of nocardiosis and how it is transmitted to other people? What are the views of the people about cause of nocardiosis and how it is transmitted to other people?

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Muhammad Ali Mehdi


The objective of the current study was about knowingness of etiology of nocardiosis. It was caused by bacillus bacteria known as nocardia. It caused lung infection and skin infection. When it diffused into the blood then it cause serious brain infection. The people which have low immunity, caused infection but those having strong immunity have less infected.


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How to Cite
Mehdi, M. A. (2018). What are the views of the people about cause of nocardiosis and how it is transmitted to other people? What are the views of the people about cause of nocardiosis and how it is transmitted to other people?. Innovative Journal of Medical Sciences, 2(03). Retrieved from http://ijms.co.in/index.php/ijms/article/view/38
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